I have Granuloma Annulare.  Do you think you can help me? (Sherry – San Antonio)

Granuloma Annulare is a chronic skin condition characterized by raised, red bumps and/or patches that generally form in a circular pattern.  Women, children, and/or young adults are more likely to get Granuloma Annulare.  Individuals who are over 40 and who have diabetes mellitus or thyroid disease are at greater risk of getting General Granuloma Annulare, which is a little more severe.  Most regularly, the bumps are found on the hands, knees, feet, and elbows.  In most cases, they will disappear after a period of two years.  These bumps are sometimes associated with other diseases, such as Diabetes Mellitus.  Therefore, a thorough search of underlying disease is warranted.

When meeting with Dr. Ghohestani you will make sure that the clinical diagnosis is Granuloma Annulare, thereby ruling out any other skin conditions that mask themselves as Granuloma Annulare.  Additionally, the doctor will take a thorough patient history including looking at underlying diseases to get at the root cause of the problem.  After receiving this information, the dermatologist can them make a few treatment recommendations that may help address your skin condition.