Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injection (Vampire Facelift) is now offered in San Antonio: A New Technique for Skin Rejuvenation, Acne Scars and Hair Loss


PRP in Aan Antonio Vampire Face Lift

  • Our experts in San Antonio PRP Clinic of TXID, have years of experience in PRP injections, one of the pioneers in Texas
  • Our PRP experts inject hundreds of patients with zero complications so far
  • Plasma Rich Plasma (PRP) injections or so called “Vampire Facelifts” consist of injecting growth factors into skin in order to fully rejuvenate the entire skin and also aid in treating hairloss
  • This is an office based procedure that may take about an hour, performed under local anesthesia
  • Call 210-698-6777 to make an appointment with one of our PRP specialists


PRP in San Antonio for Skin and Hair


What is (Platelet Rich Plasma) PRP? 

Our renowned dermatologists and skin rejuvenation specialists at Texas Institute of Dermatology now utilize the auto-graft cellular regeneration technique for various skin conditions and hair loss. Our PRP experts developed iNuSkin™ based on the PRP technique. Term Vampire Face Lift is more associated with blood whereas the PRP injection consists of a purified amount of growth factors, not the whole blood. In iNuSkin™, our experts combine PRP with LED light treatment and in selected cases with fractional Co2.

In iNuSkin™ , skin receives Platelet-Rich Plasma. PRP is composed of many fresh growth factors obtained from a person’s own blood to trigger the stimulating process for new cell growth and collagen formation. These platelets are fragments of stem cells produced in the bone marrow. Platelets contain proteins called growth factors because they turn on skin cell growth, activate DNA and initiate skin cell repair and skin rejuvenation. Many research studies published in peer-reviewed journals, cited in the national library of medicine, attest to the importance of PRP in Skin Rejuvenation, Alopecia, Scar treatment and Vitiligo.

Skin Rejuvenation with Co2 in San Antonio

What Is iNuSkin™ ?

iNuSkin TM is a minimally invasive, non-surgical and relatively simple procedure. It combines the latest research with cutting edge technology by using growth factors from your own blood to stimulate a natural healing response. iNuSkin™ PRP injection therapy is a new and revolutionary form of therapy, where substances taken from a person’s own blood are used to treat damaged skin tissue and to boost new cell growth. Referred to as an “autologous blood therapy”, a person’s own blood components are used to stimulate skin rejuvenation.

A sample of blood is taken from a vein in your arm using a sterile technique. The special tube with the sample of blood will then be placed in a centrifuge. Through a comprehensive procedure, growth factors are obtained. The PRP is now ready to be injected back into desired treatment area or applied onto surface of the skin after Renew 360 or , LED or fractional Co2 laser treatment.


What areas do we treat with PRP?/What conditions can be treated with PRP?

PRP rejuvenation therapy can be used to treat a number of conditions:

  • Scars on abdomen and face, Acne Scars
  • Sun-damaged or wrinkled skin on face, neck, and hands
  • Hair loss – Alopecia
  • Vitiligo
  • Chronic wounds

Is iNuSkin™ PRP Therapy safe?

iNuSkinPRP is considered to be safe since it is obtained from your own blood. Only substances that already occur naturally in the body are being used in PRP treatments. Essentially, PRP uses the body to heal itself. Research studies and clinical data support the statement that PRP rejuvenation injection therapy is safe. The risks are very minimal that any type of complication or negative reaction will occur because PRP is produced from your own body. There is no risk of rejection with the treatment. Risks include minimal pain, or possibly infection which is not necessarily unique to platelet rejuvenation therapy. Pr. Ghohestani of our PRP clinic recommends patients to visit a certified facility staffed by an experienced dermatologist or a plastic surgeon.

What are some of the Benefits of PRP Rejuvenation Therapy?

  • iNuSkinPRP is probably one of the least invasive form of skin rejuvenation that promotes new cell growth
  • Fast recovery, no surgery: PRP is done without cutting the skin that requires general anesthesia and long recovery times
  • No risk of scarring that can be seen in any surgical procedure
  • Injecting PRP into a damaged skin tissue jumpstart the skin rejuvenation and healing process


What Should I Expect During my Visit for PRP?                                           

During your initial consultation, you will meet with Dr. Ghohestani, our renowned dermatologist or one of our PRP experts for a physical assessment and review of your medical health history. A medical assistant will then obtain a blood sample, prepare the PRP and apply numbing medication to the treatment area. When the PRP is ready for injection, our PRP experts will then gently inject it into the desired treatment areas. This treatment can be obtained with iClear™ or Renew 360™ skin rejuvenation techniques.

After the PRP Treatment                                                                                         

You will stay for a short 15 to 20 minute observation period after your treatment. You may use ice for comfort while the PRP is initiating healing. Our dermatologist will also provide you with post-treatment instructions and go over any questions you may have at this time. You will schedule a 10-14 days follow-up appointment.

What To Expect Following PRP Treatment                                                        

Following a PRP injection, you may experience some mild discomfort or pain, redness, and temporary swelling at the treatment site due to a stimulation of the inflammatory response, which is necessary for healing. Normal day-to-day activities and light exercise following injection are encouraged.  Strenuous or high-level exercise should be avoided until you are cleared at 10-14 days follow up apt. iNuSkin™ procedure is not covered by insurance.