Posts Tagged ‘Laser fungus’

What is the post-care treatment, limitations, and side effects from having nail fungus laser treatment done on several nails on one foot? (Liz – San Antonio)

Tuesday, May 8th, 2012

What is the post-care treatment, limitation, and side effects from having nail fungus laser treatment done on several nails on one foot?  (Liz – San Antonio)

Laser is effective in treatment of Nail Fungus. Nail fungus is a fungal infection in one or more of your nails, mainly toenails.  These fungal infections tend to enter through small cuts and/or openings between the nail and nail bed allowing the fungi to grow in and under the nails.  As conditions are right (warm and moist) the fungus will continue to grow.

The FDA-cleared Nd:YAG laser treats persistent toenail fungus by creating micro-cavitations  in the surface of the nail.  The laser then delivers acoustic shock waves onto the surface of the nail that travel through to the nail bed.  This process irritates the fungal colony, which may decapsulate the fungus spores.  Then, as the fungal infection absorbs the laser light, it may deactivate unwanted organisms while also helping to treat embarrassing yellow and brown streaks in the nail. Choice of laser is important in treating onychomycosis (Nail Fungus), our state-of-the art laser is one of the most effective laser for treatment of nail fungus.

Post-care Treatment: Dr. Ghohestani, a renowned San Antonio Dermatologist, recommends using oral medication in combination with the laser treatment.  Medications such as “Lamisil” help to fight fungal infections from the inside out.

Limitations:  Significant changes in nail color limit the laser’s ability to penetrate to the nail bed, thereby treating the root of the problem.  Dr. Ghohestani can meet with you and make the necessary recommendations regarding which treatment will work best for you.

Side-effects: No adverse side effects have been noted as a result of the laser nail treatment.